
Showing posts from September, 2002

A September Of Sorrows

For weeks after September 11, Salman Hamdani was rumoured to have been a fugitive terrorist, or languishing in federal custody.

Bush Telegraph

It's a war President George W. Bush will have at any cost. But before he embarks upon it, there's a little battle he must first wage: paper over his cabinet divide, persuade a reluctant Congress, convince dithering international allies about the war against Iraq. It's true this battle's outcome won't influence his resolve to attack Iraq. But Bush knows consensus is vital for spinning this war into yet another gigantic clash between good and evil.

Big Apple, Small Bite

Vajpayee, in his diplomatic tete-a-tete with Bush, steers clear of focusing exclusively on Pakistan.

Bush Telegraph

It's a war President George W. Bush will have at any cost. But before he embarks upon it, there's a little battle he must first wage: paper over his cabinet divide, persuade a reluctant Congress, convince dithering international allies about the war against Iraq. It's true this battle's outcome won't influence his resolve to attack Iraq. But Bush knows consensus is vital for spinning this war into yet another gigantic clash between good and evil.

A Trial For Terror

The families of 600 people killed in the 9/11 attacks have filed a multi-billion dollar lawsuit against three Saudi princes, seven Saudi Arabian banks and international charities, accusing them of bank-rolling Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda.